Sunday, June 19, 2011

Whey Protein Can Lower High Blood Pressure

A article about Whey protein and its effects on bool pressure. This is from My Best Health I have left the links so everyone can go to this great blog

Whey Protein Can Lower High Blood Pressure

Whey protein has a normalizing effect on blood pressure levels.
A whey protein study published in the International Dairy Journal suggests that whey protein has a normalizing effect on blood pressure levels, reducing levels significantly in people at risk of hypertension.
It is believed this may be due to whey’s impact on nitric oxide production, as nitric oxide helps your vessels maintain their elasticity and its suppression leads to increases in blood pressure. This not only benefits people who have are or at risk of having high blood pressure, it also helps in maintaining healthy blood vessels too.
Recently in another study, found that in healthy people who supplemented with the whey-derived peptide NOP-47 had a positive impact on their vascular function. Blood flow in their arms improved by 2.7 percent per minute following whey protein supplementation.
So by taking whey protein powder as your protein source for a meal replacement or an exercise recovery drink, you will also be supporting healthy blood pressure levels.

Other Benefits of Whey Protein

There are several other reasons for choosing whey protein over other protein powders, even beyond its influence on your blood pressure. For instance:
  • Whey protein may help to promote your optimal intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals needed for your overall wellness.
  • Whey protein may help your pancreas-produced insulin work more effectively, which helps maintain your blood sugar level after a meal.
  • Whey protein may promote healthy insulin secretion.
  • Whey protein may help you preserve lean body tissue (particularly during exercise) as it delivers bioavailable amino acids and cysteine.
    When taking whey protein you will be supporting healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Whey protein may support your immune system, as it contains immunoglobulins.
Whey proteins are complex in and of themselves and each can provide you with even more distinct benefits, such as:
  • Alpha-Lactalbumin which supports your immune system and may improve morning alertness.
  • Beta-Lactoglobulin which may help your body better react to foods.
  • Bovine Serum Albumin which provides a source of essential amino acids.
  • Glycomacropeptide which provides support against occasional digestive discomfort and stress.
  • Immunoglobulins which promote your immune system and helps support your body's natural detoxification processes.
  • Lactoferrin which helps regulate your intestinal iron absorption and promotes healthy cell growth.
  • Lactoperoxidase which provides protective benefits for your system.
  • Natural growth factors in Whey which aids your system in cell rejuvenation, muscle recovery after exercise, and energy function
Whey protein can also help optimize your production of glutathione, which by many, is considered to be your body’s most powerful antioxidant.
  • Glutathione has the unique ability of maximizing the activity of all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, and the fresh veggies and fruits you eat.
  • Glutathione also removes toxins from your cells and protects you from the damaging effects of radiation, chemicals, and environmental pollutants.
The optimal food source for maximizing your glutathione production is high-quality grass-fed whey protein.

Bottom Line on Whey Protein being Beneficial for Lowing Blood Pressure

As part of an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, it’s strongly believe that whey protein powder is a very healthful supplement to your diet, an excellent source of protein, and a powerful supporter of optimal health.
  • September 6, 2010
  • International Dairy Journal November 2010, Volume 20, Pages 753-760

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